What are Some real-world Examples of Companies using Tokenized Equity?

submitted 4 months ago by assettokenization to cryptocurrency

Here are some established Companies that are using tokenized equity:

Overstock.com: As mentioned previously, Overstock issued their own security token (OSTKO) representing shares in the company, making them one of the first listed companies to explore tokenization. Robinhood Markets: Launched a pilot program allowing cryptocurrency wallets to hold tokenized shares of traditional equities, albeit still limited in scope. DMGT (Daily Mail and General Trust): This UK media giant issued a tokenized bond linked to their equity, offering investors a novel exposure option.

Benefits of Tokenized Equity:

Benefits (Investors): Democratized access: Invest in previously inaccessible companies with smaller amounts. Increased liquidity: Trade tokens on secondary markets for easier exits. Enhanced transparency: Blockchain provides clear ownership and transaction records. Global reach: Attract investors from anywhere in the world. Programmable features: Automated processes for efficiency and cost reduction.

Benefits (Companies):

Reduced costs: Automate tasks and eliminate intermediaries. Faster capital raising: Access wider investor pool efficiently. Improved engagement: Connect directly with investors through the blockchain. New ownership models: Explore innovative fundraising and ownership structures.