There's a learning curve for sure

submitted 1 year ago by Devon456 to uberbb

There's a learning curve for sure.

Like, someone who's new to the game and hasn't watched anything about it is going to get monkey stomped by a goblin, beetle or skelly right off the bat. Doesn't entirely matter how good they are at games in general, it's bound to happen pretty early in your career in this game. Once you've played a few rounds you start to pick up on things - besides, you have pretty much no perks when you first start out. I feel like tons of people who are complaining about this game didn't actually play Skyrim (which has nothing to do with this, I'm comparing it because:) you are pretty weak at the beginning of the game. After you've invested some time in to it, you start getting better - and you're leveling up, in step the perks. It's pretty well the same here, though the leveling is slower. Honestly I feel like the mobs in both games have a similar attack pattern where once you've learned it, you can often times dodge the incoming, hit a few attacks and then dodge the incoming.

Practice makes perfect? I dunno, my 8 year old daughter was running around on a Barbarian and having the time of her life, lol. I think it depends on how you look at the game. If you always want to winwinwin, it might not really be for you, I mean, unless you're doing that then kudos, but for the most part I've seen people in full purple gear ???? up a few steps and get bodied, losing all their gear, unless a friend grabs it from their team. While they're mad, they just shrug and start playing again.

You started the game with nothing. If you take the time to learn the rooms, the mobs and then the mechanics of everything else, you'll also be leveling up which makes you a little bit stronger. You die and you lose everything but that progress. So every ... uh, however many dungeons it takes per 5 levels, you get a little bit stronger with perks. By each of those intervals you should've learned something else about the dungeons and how things work. Patience is key.

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